Point Level Measurement
Process Solutions is the Official Representative of Bindicator in North and South Carolina
Roto-Bin-Dicator Pro- The latest advancement in point-level technology, the Roto-Bin-Dicator Pro advances the traditional paddlewheel design by including self-diagnosis in its design. This prevents false signals from several types of errors and ensures that your switch is giving you the proper measurement.
More Information about options applicable to your needs is available here
Roto-Bin-Dicator- The original paddlewheel level indicator first developed by Bindicator in 1954. Its simple design and proven track record combine to guarantee accurate measurement. The Roto-Bin-Dicator comes in multiple configurations to fit a wide range of applications.
More Information about options applicable to your needs is available here
VRFII Series- The VRFII Series Probes are the premeir capacitance level controls on the market today and feature universal power and quick calibration that make installation easy. Multiple sensitivity settings allow for the probe to be customized to your specific application.
More Information about options applicable to your needs is available here
Pulse Point II Series- Bindicator's line of vibrating fork sensors, the Pulse Point II is ideal for materials with densities as low as 0.5 lb/ cu ft. Has universal power and is capable of being used in vertical and horizontal orientations making it perfect for a range of applications.
More Information about options applicable to your needs is available here
All of the features of the Pulse Point II now are available with a Rod sensor, allowing the Pulse Point II to now be available for hazardous location applications.
More Information about options applicable to your needs is available here
Pulse Point LP-500ST- A vibrating rod point level control, the LP-500ST is perfect for high and low density applications for granules and powders that may not work with the traditional fork structure. The mechanical nature of the LP-500ST means that the dialectric constant of the material does not affect the accuracy of the point level measurement.
More Information about options applicable to your needs is available here
Bin-Dicator Diaphragm Switch- The original device for point level control, the Diaphragm Switch can be applied to light, medium, and heavy applications and customized to your material.
More Information about options applicable to your needs is available here